Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Joy of Saturdays

Saturdays are a recently rediscovered pleasure for me. During my first 16 or 17 years, the really had no value to me. Sure, I didn't have to go to school, but in a land with no cable and no video games, no school meant nothing to do. After the dawning of the age when I could actually do something on those wonderful days away from school, I worked every Saturday. This, frankly, sucked. I remember staring out the windows of that smelly Pizza Hut and watching as my friends "hung out" (hanging out is basically defined in my mind as doing nothing together). I longed for the day when I could leave those low paying wastes of a day behind me and go out in to the world and do nothing with a group of other people who had nothing to do. After years of waiting, I finally have that. This Saturday morning, I woke up, spent time with my beautiful wife, took a liesurely shower, went to the mall (where I discovered that JC Penny will rob you blind if you return an item without a receipt and that the GAP will be happy to accept your returned merchandise and will even refund you $13.99 of the $49.50 that's on the tag by mail, but that's another blog), and am about to spend the afternoon with friends. I write this to say thank you God. Thank you for taking me out of the drudgery of Saturdays at work. I also write this to say "hang in there" to all of you poor people who are still putting in a full Saturday's work: I'll sit a sit down for you, I'll watch T.V. for you, and I'll hang out for you. I dedicate this Saturday to you. Now, hurry up and bring my food.


Anonymous said...

Lol. . .

Oh Ben you crack me up.

Anonymous said...

Well Ben...I guess I know how you feel. Before working at wally world the only thing saturdays meant to me ways getting away... Now they seem like Christmas...except without christ and all the presents. Kudos to you...