Monday, March 5, 2007

Say Hello to Baby!

Well, I'm sitting here with many of our neighbors waiting on the imminent arrival of our newest friend Hana Niah Woodring. She decided that she would come tonight and so we packed up all of our stuff and have camped out in the waiting room outside of Labor & Delivery and I just discovered that Baptist Hospital has an internet connection for patients and visitors, so "Thanks, Baptist Hospital! I appreciate it." I told Jonathan that he should blog as Kristine progressed in labor, but he didn't think Kristine would appreciate it, so I'm doing it for him.

At about 5:30 p.m., March, 6th, the doctors decided to break her water at about 8:30. It is now 8:47 and the doctors have yet to come in and break the water. I asked Kristine if it was worth all of the trouble to have a baby, she said she didn't have a baby yet, so she didn't know. I think she was just being polite.

Jonathan is doing amazingly well. I can't believe how composed and relaxed he is (despite the huge amounts of caffine that he has had today). I thought that he would have at least a moment of breakdown, but he has taken it all in stride. He'll do well being a strong Dad for his baby girl.

That's it for now. Hopefully, by the time you've finished reading this, Niah will be here and it will be a whole new place.

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

Still waiting for an update.