Thursday, April 19, 2007

Crazy People

We are told that, in the last days, there will be many false prophets. My brother put me on to a group of them a few moments ago. There is a (supposedly) Baptist Church in Kansas that is absolutely nuts (you can check out their website at They preach hate and revel in the deaths of others. They celebrate the fact that there are some who will burn eternally in Hell. One of there articles discusses someone being lost and from all signs going to Hell and at the end of the article they write in large, bold letters "HA!".

As someone who will be dedicating his life to spreading the actual Message of God, it make me sad and angry to see someone lie about God' intentions on Earth. He doesn't hate sinners, He hates sin. He doesn't hate gays, He hates homosexuality. If He did hate them, why did He put Himself through the misery of His only Son dying a painful death and being separated from Him so that they wouldn't have to burn in Hell, even though they don't deserve it. We don't deserve it.

What can we do? Well, I don't know what we can do to stop them. I've contacted them, used scripture, and asked them to reconsider their actions. Other than that, the most important thing to do is to pray for them. Pray for the enemies of God. Why? Because He loves them, too. Paul was an opposer of God. He became an advocate for God. Why could these people not do the same. God condemns sin and pleads with us to turn away from it. All we can do is what He says and tell others what He has said. Pray for the false prophets. They need Jesus.

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