Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A Layer of Ladyfingers, A Layer of Jam, A Layer of Whip Cream, A Layer of Beef, Sauteed with Peas and Onions, Another Layer of Ladyfingers...

Ok, so God is cool. I made Brittney supper last night. Yeah, I'm that kind of guy (it was frozen lasagna and steamed corn, but she sat on the couch and watched t.v. while I did it, so I get credit). So, I'm cooking the food, then I fix her a plate, then I go back for mine. Then, my friend Jonathan comes in, walks into the kitchen, and begins to make noises that I can only describe as desirous of frozen lasagna and steamed corn. So, I said would you like some food? He says yes and, with a whoop of joy, leaves to ask Kristine if she would like to eat at our house tonight. She doesn't believe that we are serious, but we are. So, they eat with us last night.

So, I'm sitting there, watching friends and to the room at large, I say, "I would like some hot chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream". It was a casual declaration, and I had not intention of having it fulfilled. So you will understand my surprise when Jonathan declares in response, "We have chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream!" I was so excited! God was cool enough to take time out of holding gravity together and forgiving the continual sin of mankind to have Jonathan's Aunt Beverly make too much cake, send it home with them, and provide it for me when I was desirious of it. God is cool. Thanks, Aunt Beverly! Thanks, Jonathan and Kristine! Thanks, God!

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

One word: Frawesome.