My former Youth Pastor and fellow Church Planter, Aaron Johnson, and his family stopped by Fayetteville for a day on their way back to Washington, PA and it was awesome to get to hang out with them for a couple of hours. Aaron and Renee are great people and really mean a lot to us. Take the time to check Aaron's blog. They're doing a great and difficult work in PA that not many people would be willing to do. Check out Aaron's blog and Lifepoint's website. You can also download their podcast on itunes. Search for "Lifepoint At Washington".
We are heading to Independence County this week for our late Christmas. Britt had to work on Christmas Eve and the Day after Christmas so we weren't able to go home. Hopefully, we'll have time to hook up with some friends after we see all of our family. Have a Happy New Year!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
I love snow. It's cold and wet and nasty, but I love it anyway. It's snowing right now, if you haven't guessed that yet. The snow has made me feel like it's actually almost Christmas. Granted, I don't ever remember having a White Christmas, but still, it's how I feel. We were supposed to have outreach today and I really wanted to be able and grab some of those Christmas and Easter Christians but, God knows what He's doing. So, even though I'm not going to be able to go door to door in a 19 degree windchill, I'm still enjoying the snow. I hope you have snow, too. Here's some pictures of our Christmas tree to make you feel like it's Christmas, too. I made Britt wait until Thanksgiving to put up the tree, even though she wanted to put it up the first of November.
Here's one of the Christmas Card pix we took with Britt's family.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Ok, a lot has happened since the last time I blogged.
We had our second person saved. It's a long story, but let me say that sometimes you should take those phone calls that come in late on a Saturday night.
We've started services. We had 79 at our first services with 16 from out of town and 63 from the Fayetteville area. The following weeks were 62, 66, and 72.
Last night we had a "Membership Banquet" (it sounds a lot more formal than it was). We baptized two and accepted 25 charter members. Things are going really well and it's exciting to be a part of this.
Our college ministry, "Thrive", has had some success. We met for a couple of weeks before our on-campus kick-off. We had 27 students at the kick-off and a pretty solid core group of students who attend every week. The really exciting part is that a lot of them have been attending our Sunday services, too.
We have about 16 kids from infant to 5th grade and two Jr. High students. Britt and I are starting a Small Group with them that will happen at the same time as their parents group. If anybody has any suggestions for Small Group material for Jr. High, send them to me.
That's about it on church stuff for the last couple of months. As far as personally, we have a new member of our family: Samson. He is a Cairn Terrier and a great dog. He doesn't whine, he's great with kids, and he's low maintenance.
Britt's job is still going well. She's on orientation right now, but hopefully will be off of orientation in time to help deliver one of our church members baby.
I'm still looking for the perfect part-time job with flexible hours and great pay. If you have any leads, let me know.
That's about it for the Hightower House. I'll try not to have such a long gap between this and my next blog.
We had our second person saved. It's a long story, but let me say that sometimes you should take those phone calls that come in late on a Saturday night.
We've started services. We had 79 at our first services with 16 from out of town and 63 from the Fayetteville area. The following weeks were 62, 66, and 72.
Last night we had a "Membership Banquet" (it sounds a lot more formal than it was). We baptized two and accepted 25 charter members. Things are going really well and it's exciting to be a part of this.
Our college ministry, "Thrive", has had some success. We met for a couple of weeks before our on-campus kick-off. We had 27 students at the kick-off and a pretty solid core group of students who attend every week. The really exciting part is that a lot of them have been attending our Sunday services, too.
We have about 16 kids from infant to 5th grade and two Jr. High students. Britt and I are starting a Small Group with them that will happen at the same time as their parents group. If anybody has any suggestions for Small Group material for Jr. High, send them to me.
That's about it on church stuff for the last couple of months. As far as personally, we have a new member of our family: Samson. He is a Cairn Terrier and a great dog. He doesn't whine, he's great with kids, and he's low maintenance.
Britt's job is still going well. She's on orientation right now, but hopefully will be off of orientation in time to help deliver one of our church members baby.
I'm still looking for the perfect part-time job with flexible hours and great pay. If you have any leads, let me know.
That's about it for the Hightower House. I'll try not to have such a long gap between this and my next blog.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Don't Be Stupid Like Me
One of my favorite sermons to preach is one about self-control and how Jesus dealt with it. I don't often get angry enough to lose control, but today I did and it bit me in the butt.
Ok, so, Britt and I've been reading this particular set of books for many years. There are seven books in the series and we've anxiously awaited each of the books that have been released. Very recently, the last of the books was released, but our copy has yet to arrive. We've avoided any news that might give away the ending, but tonight it was all ruined. We thought that there was no way that any of our friends would give away the ending, and I'm sure the girl that gave it away didn't do it intentionally, but we were wrong. Through a post on myspace, she said something that indicated the answer to everyone's question about the book. Now, if someone does something to upset me, I usually just get over it and go on. But, if someone upsets Britt, as this did, the I can sometimes have trouble dealing with it. So, I ignoring the Spirit leading me to cool off and think through the reactions to the problem, I picked up the phone to call my friend and politely encourage her to remove the offensive material. I picked up the phone, scrolled to her name, and dialed. A woman's voice, very similar to that of my friend's, answered and I began to talk to her. I went quickly through the pleasantries, not noticing that she sounded confused about the call, and very soon arrived at the subject I was concerned with. I was never rude or mean, at least not in a way that couldn't be denied, and valiantly defended my cause. She began to deny the offense. I saw a vulnerable position and pushed my advantage. After I read her exactly what she had written twice and received two denials, my brain returned to normal functioning capacity. I realized that I was not talking to who I thought I was talking to. It was another friend of the same first name who also happens to be my fearless leader's wife. Not only that, but she was sitting at NC2 at the time and I'm sure that she was surrounded by a group of people that I would not want to embarrass myself in front of like that. I apologized profusely, this is not the first time that I have embarrassed myself with this very same person in much the same manner, and am now currently living in shame.
Think through what you do before you do it. Recognize what is worth embarrassing yourself over. If you happen to call the wrong person and very politely chew them out for something that they had nothing to do with, let it be over something that they can be equally enraged over. Now, the worst thing that has happened to me today is not the ruining of several years of waiting, but my own stupidity. To both people of the same name, I'm very sorry. And believe me, my shame will last through the ages. Especially since I've managed to compound my shame by posting my stupidity on the Internet. Go me.
Ok, so, Britt and I've been reading this particular set of books for many years. There are seven books in the series and we've anxiously awaited each of the books that have been released. Very recently, the last of the books was released, but our copy has yet to arrive. We've avoided any news that might give away the ending, but tonight it was all ruined. We thought that there was no way that any of our friends would give away the ending, and I'm sure the girl that gave it away didn't do it intentionally, but we were wrong. Through a post on myspace, she said something that indicated the answer to everyone's question about the book. Now, if someone does something to upset me, I usually just get over it and go on. But, if someone upsets Britt, as this did, the I can sometimes have trouble dealing with it. So, I ignoring the Spirit leading me to cool off and think through the reactions to the problem, I picked up the phone to call my friend and politely encourage her to remove the offensive material. I picked up the phone, scrolled to her name, and dialed. A woman's voice, very similar to that of my friend's, answered and I began to talk to her. I went quickly through the pleasantries, not noticing that she sounded confused about the call, and very soon arrived at the subject I was concerned with. I was never rude or mean, at least not in a way that couldn't be denied, and valiantly defended my cause. She began to deny the offense. I saw a vulnerable position and pushed my advantage. After I read her exactly what she had written twice and received two denials, my brain returned to normal functioning capacity. I realized that I was not talking to who I thought I was talking to. It was another friend of the same first name who also happens to be my fearless leader's wife. Not only that, but she was sitting at NC2 at the time and I'm sure that she was surrounded by a group of people that I would not want to embarrass myself in front of like that. I apologized profusely, this is not the first time that I have embarrassed myself with this very same person in much the same manner, and am now currently living in shame.
Think through what you do before you do it. Recognize what is worth embarrassing yourself over. If you happen to call the wrong person and very politely chew them out for something that they had nothing to do with, let it be over something that they can be equally enraged over. Now, the worst thing that has happened to me today is not the ruining of several years of waiting, but my own stupidity. To both people of the same name, I'm very sorry. And believe me, my shame will last through the ages. Especially since I've managed to compound my shame by posting my stupidity on the Internet. Go me.
Monday, July 16, 2007
1st Saved
Ok, I know it's been a long since I've blogged, but it's been kind of busy. Every two weeks for the last six weeks we've had an outreach event for Pathway and that has kept me busy. Two of them were ok, but this most recent one was awesome. We had a "Day at the Beach" at Agri Park and had between 9 and 11 new families come by. We also had at least one family who was very interested in Pathway. For DATB, we had two groups come up: one from Lonoke in Morrillton (my sponsoring church) and a college group from East Union. They were here from Tuesday til Sunday. We had a great time of Worship and a devotional that morning and they headed out. Then, at 5 that evening, a group from Antioch arrived. Everyone else, with the exception of the first group of the summer, had been up to canvass, invite to events, and work events. Antioch was here strictly to do surveys for us, which is great, because they just came back from Super Summer where the theme and their classes were all on Apologetics (the study and defense of faith for those of you in Rio Linda) so they were pumped to get out and do some active Christianity. They've been excited, but tonight took the cake. One group was out knocking on doors and came across a lady. She invited them in, they shared the plan of salvation, they offered to pray with her, and she accepted. Things are going great in Fayetteville, but things are busy in Fayetteville. Go door to door. It's easier than you think and you may not reach anyone going door to door, but you're not going to reach anyone sitting on your couch reading this either.
Saturday, June 2, 2007
New Home
Well, we now live in Fayetteville. We moved our stuff Thursday, moved it in Friday, and finished unpacking today (Saturday). We're excited to finally be moved and have everything unpacked. It was strange at first, but now that all of our stuff is out it feels like home. Now, we just have to get settled into a routine up here. I'll be looking for a part-time job, Britt is preparing to take her boards and eventually to begin her career, and the summer is going to be packed full of events with Pathway. The easy part is making the list. There are only two bad points about our current situation. One, we've moved away from some of the best friends we've ever had, although we've been moved for three days, but have managed to talk to them every day, which is not a bad thing. Two, we have NO INTERNET!!!!! We have to go and borrow internet from other people and not in the way that I intended to borrow it from other people. We'll just have to make due until we each get our respective jobs. I've got lots to tell you (Disney Trip, new apartment, how hard it is to be a christian all of the stinking time), but that will have to wait till later. Until then, I'll be enjoying your internet use vicariously.
Friday, May 25, 2007
We're Back
Ok, nothing real long right now. We're back and we're tired. I'll tell you more later, but right now, I'm reveling in the ability to access the internet and so I'll continue that right now. See you later.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Good Music

I went to Mardel the other day to pick up a Youth Pastor Perks Kit (free cds, t-shirts, and dvds for special people) and got what is probably my favorite cd at the moment. It's called "Glory Revealed" and it was produced my Mac Powell (lead singer of Third Day). It features Mac, as well as guys like Mark Hall, David Crowder, Brian Littrell, Steven Curtis Chapman, and Michael W. Smith. While I'm not big fans of all of these guys individually, they do really well on this album. Every song has more of a country feel (modern country, not big hair and tasselled jackets) to it. The best thing about the cd is that all of the songs are straight from scripture. My favorite is probably "Restore to Me" performed by Mac Powell and Candi Pearson-Shelton. Listen to the song and the read Psalm 51. If you want to hear some samples, check out this link Trust me, it's awesome.

My other new favorite is a cd that Chris Rice put out exclusively for Family Christian Stores that my friend Jonathan (check out the blog links for Jonathan's Journal) gave me a copy of. The album is titled "Peace Like a River: The Hymns Session" and is Chris' reinterpretation of some classic hymns. Ok, yeah, I hear ya. "Not another hymns cd!" If you've ever listened to any of his other albums, you will know that anything by Chris Rice is worth listening to. If you haven't, then you have been given an opportunity to experience some awesome music. Even if you're not big on his style of music, listen to his lyrics and you won't care any more. The dude is awesome. My two favorite songs from this album are "O Freedom" (it's an old slave song) and "A Mighty Fortress is Our God". If you've never paid attention to the words of that song, you need to find a copy of the lyrics NOW and listen to them. I'm not a big Martin Luther fan, but I'm a lot closer to it than I was after listening to those lyrics. This cd made me appreciate some of those really old hymns. You can listen to some samples of this cd at
Sunday, April 29, 2007
My Last Day
Well, my last day at Meadow View has come and is in the process of going. I'm sad and glad that it has come. God is slowly removing things from my plate so that I can focus on what he has for me now. He has called and He is faithful. We made the decision to move to Fayetteville with no promise of income. It wasn't any grand act of faith, it just made sense. If we really believed what we say we believe, it only made sense for us to do this. Who has ever paid me at any job but God? Who has ever provided. I knew He would provide, I just thought He would stretch it out and make us show our faith. He's cool, He's our Father, and He didn't do that. Somehow, we were able to save 75% of what we will need for the first 2 months of being dedicated to Pathway with no other job. I have no idea how, when we brought in just barely above what we pay out, we were able to save enough to pay that much. Today, the great people at Meadow View gave and because of that giving, we now have more to pay our bills for the two months where we don't have even half of the guaranteed income we need than we have ever had in the year and a half that we have been married. God rocks. I don't really believe that it is faith to trust God to do what He has always done. We did nothing special. We just did what we were told. I'm not writing this to praise us for our great faith or piety. Is it special for a person not to get bitten by a shark because he got out of the water when the lifeguard told him to? We are nothing special, just smart enough to listen. If God tells you to do something, do it. He won't ask you to do something and then not provide what is needed for it to happen. Just obey, He knows what He is doing.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Packing and Unpacking
I'm so sick of being in more than one place at a time. My parents were divorced before I was a teenager and then I began to live in more than one place. I lived out of a bag for half of every summer and every other weekend and I hated it. I longed for the day when I would live in one place and stay there almost all of the time.
Then I went to seminary. I thought, "Now, I'll live in one place." Nope. Britt and I started dating our last semester of our Senior year of High School and there was no way that I could stay away from her that much. We went in to Batesville many weekends when she was in Conway and later when she lived in Little Rock before we were married. In between those times, she actually lived in Batesville, so I was back and forth there all of the time. I did it because I loved and missed her. It was worth it, but I still wanted to sit still for a little while.
Then we got married. I thought, "Now, I'll live in one place." and we did, for a little while. Then, Meadow View in Malvern called me as their Youth Minister. I love them and would not give up my time there, but it was an hour and a half round trip three-four times a week. Not only that, but we spent many weekends staying in Malvern. I had my oil changed on March 17th. On April 20th, I rolled over three thousand miles. THREE THOUSAND MILES in one month. I want to sit still. Meadow View was worth the time, but I want it to be the exception and not the rule when I spend a weekend away from home.
So, what? Well, I packed up my office at Meadow View yesterday. I still have some furniture, but all of my little stuff is packed up and sitting at the apartment waiting to be unpacked. Tomorrow is my last NBC at Meadow View and Sunday will be my last day. I'm sad to leave many of the people that I've come to know, but I'm ready to move on to my next phase of life. Less than a month from now Britt and I will have our Bachelor's Degrees and be ready to move into post-school work. One month and one day from now, we'll arrive back from our vacation at WDW and begin to load a truck to move to Fayetteville. I'll live in the same town where I work and go to church. It's going to be awesome. I'll finally live in one place. I hate that this has been a long time coming, but I'm happy that I'll be able to appreciate one of the simple pleasures that make life easier.
Then I went to seminary. I thought, "Now, I'll live in one place." Nope. Britt and I started dating our last semester of our Senior year of High School and there was no way that I could stay away from her that much. We went in to Batesville many weekends when she was in Conway and later when she lived in Little Rock before we were married. In between those times, she actually lived in Batesville, so I was back and forth there all of the time. I did it because I loved and missed her. It was worth it, but I still wanted to sit still for a little while.
Then we got married. I thought, "Now, I'll live in one place." and we did, for a little while. Then, Meadow View in Malvern called me as their Youth Minister. I love them and would not give up my time there, but it was an hour and a half round trip three-four times a week. Not only that, but we spent many weekends staying in Malvern. I had my oil changed on March 17th. On April 20th, I rolled over three thousand miles. THREE THOUSAND MILES in one month. I want to sit still. Meadow View was worth the time, but I want it to be the exception and not the rule when I spend a weekend away from home.
So, what? Well, I packed up my office at Meadow View yesterday. I still have some furniture, but all of my little stuff is packed up and sitting at the apartment waiting to be unpacked. Tomorrow is my last NBC at Meadow View and Sunday will be my last day. I'm sad to leave many of the people that I've come to know, but I'm ready to move on to my next phase of life. Less than a month from now Britt and I will have our Bachelor's Degrees and be ready to move into post-school work. One month and one day from now, we'll arrive back from our vacation at WDW and begin to load a truck to move to Fayetteville. I'll live in the same town where I work and go to church. It's going to be awesome. I'll finally live in one place. I hate that this has been a long time coming, but I'm happy that I'll be able to appreciate one of the simple pleasures that make life easier.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Crazy People
We are told that, in the last days, there will be many false prophets. My brother put me on to a group of them a few moments ago. There is a (supposedly) Baptist Church in Kansas that is absolutely nuts (you can check out their website at They preach hate and revel in the deaths of others. They celebrate the fact that there are some who will burn eternally in Hell. One of there articles discusses someone being lost and from all signs going to Hell and at the end of the article they write in large, bold letters "HA!".
As someone who will be dedicating his life to spreading the actual Message of God, it make me sad and angry to see someone lie about God' intentions on Earth. He doesn't hate sinners, He hates sin. He doesn't hate gays, He hates homosexuality. If He did hate them, why did He put Himself through the misery of His only Son dying a painful death and being separated from Him so that they wouldn't have to burn in Hell, even though they don't deserve it. We don't deserve it.
What can we do? Well, I don't know what we can do to stop them. I've contacted them, used scripture, and asked them to reconsider their actions. Other than that, the most important thing to do is to pray for them. Pray for the enemies of God. Why? Because He loves them, too. Paul was an opposer of God. He became an advocate for God. Why could these people not do the same. God condemns sin and pleads with us to turn away from it. All we can do is what He says and tell others what He has said. Pray for the false prophets. They need Jesus.
As someone who will be dedicating his life to spreading the actual Message of God, it make me sad and angry to see someone lie about God' intentions on Earth. He doesn't hate sinners, He hates sin. He doesn't hate gays, He hates homosexuality. If He did hate them, why did He put Himself through the misery of His only Son dying a painful death and being separated from Him so that they wouldn't have to burn in Hell, even though they don't deserve it. We don't deserve it.
What can we do? Well, I don't know what we can do to stop them. I've contacted them, used scripture, and asked them to reconsider their actions. Other than that, the most important thing to do is to pray for them. Pray for the enemies of God. Why? Because He loves them, too. Paul was an opposer of God. He became an advocate for God. Why could these people not do the same. God condemns sin and pleads with us to turn away from it. All we can do is what He says and tell others what He has said. Pray for the false prophets. They need Jesus.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Thank You God and Lonoke
Last night, Lonoke Baptist Church in Morrilton, Arkansas voted to take me on and become my sending church. This just means that I have someone elses credibility to back me up and help me as I seek financial support. I've talked with Bro. Dennis Holmes over the last several months and believed that Lonoke would take me on, but it's nice to have it officially decided. We'll move our membership there sometime next month. So thanks to them. Now I get to dive head on into deputation. So, thanks God. You called me to do something, now you've provided. Thanks.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
A Layer of Ladyfingers, A Layer of Jam, A Layer of Whip Cream, A Layer of Beef, Sauteed with Peas and Onions, Another Layer of Ladyfingers...
Ok, so God is cool. I made Brittney supper last night. Yeah, I'm that kind of guy (it was frozen lasagna and steamed corn, but she sat on the couch and watched t.v. while I did it, so I get credit). So, I'm cooking the food, then I fix her a plate, then I go back for mine. Then, my friend Jonathan comes in, walks into the kitchen, and begins to make noises that I can only describe as desirous of frozen lasagna and steamed corn. So, I said would you like some food? He says yes and, with a whoop of joy, leaves to ask Kristine if she would like to eat at our house tonight. She doesn't believe that we are serious, but we are. So, they eat with us last night.
So, I'm sitting there, watching friends and to the room at large, I say, "I would like some hot chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream". It was a casual declaration, and I had not intention of having it fulfilled. So you will understand my surprise when Jonathan declares in response, "We have chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream!" I was so excited! God was cool enough to take time out of holding gravity together and forgiving the continual sin of mankind to have Jonathan's Aunt Beverly make too much cake, send it home with them, and provide it for me when I was desirious of it. God is cool. Thanks, Aunt Beverly! Thanks, Jonathan and Kristine! Thanks, God!
So, I'm sitting there, watching friends and to the room at large, I say, "I would like some hot chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream". It was a casual declaration, and I had not intention of having it fulfilled. So you will understand my surprise when Jonathan declares in response, "We have chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream!" I was so excited! God was cool enough to take time out of holding gravity together and forgiving the continual sin of mankind to have Jonathan's Aunt Beverly make too much cake, send it home with them, and provide it for me when I was desirious of it. God is cool. Thanks, Aunt Beverly! Thanks, Jonathan and Kristine! Thanks, God!
Monday, April 2, 2007
The Study at John and Amy's
Well, I don't know if you know this or not, but we are moving to Fayetteville. We live in Little Rock right now. I am a student at the Missionary Baptist Seminary and Brittney is a student at UAMS College of Nursing. We both graduate in May. The day after Brittney graduates, we're going to Disney World. When we get back, we'll put all of our stuff in a truck and drive to Fayetteville and that will be that. Ok, so what. We're moving to Fayetteville because I will be the Associate Pastor of Pathway Baptist Church. Never heard of it? Not surprising because we held our first meeting in January of 2007.
I went up over spring break with my brother and attended one of our bible studies, you know, just to have a chance to meet everybody. I was absolutely blown away. We sat for an hour and a half, studied the Bible, discussed it, prayed together, and went home. It was freakin' awesome. There were no empty rituals or traditions. There was noone there who wished they weren't there. It was as close to what Jesus intended as I can imagine.
Right now, we're just meeting in homes, but plan to have all of our small groups come together for corporate worship services beginning in the Fall. But, we won't stop the bible studies. These are what will build the church. They provide an opportunity for everyone to study and learn together. We meet and fellowship and "edify" and it is the coolest thing ever. Jesus said that the wise man will build upon the rock, but the foolish man will build upon the sand. I have a sad suspicion that churches for a long time have been pretending to build upon the rock, but they're planted firmly upon the sand.
There is are two churches that were really awesome churches. I mean, that had it going on. But, then their pastors left. They went nuts. They had absolutely no leadership. It was like a bunch of Kindergardeners fighting over what color koolaid they wanted to drink. I say this to say, that when we have good, strong leadership, everything goes well. But, when the good, strong leadership is gone, then we find out why Christians are often referred to as sheep. Because, apparently, we're pretty stupid if we don't have strong leadership.
That's what we're trying to fix at Pathway. We want a group of people who, each individually, are planted firmly on the Rock. That way, no matter what happens, the people will stand strong for a specific goal: the glorification of God through the carrying out of the Great Commission. It's simple. If each one is solid, then the whole thing is solid. Then we'll be fine.
If you get a chance, come see us at Pathway. This is new to us, too, so bear with us. But, we are building on the Rock. I guarantee it.
I went up over spring break with my brother and attended one of our bible studies, you know, just to have a chance to meet everybody. I was absolutely blown away. We sat for an hour and a half, studied the Bible, discussed it, prayed together, and went home. It was freakin' awesome. There were no empty rituals or traditions. There was noone there who wished they weren't there. It was as close to what Jesus intended as I can imagine.
Right now, we're just meeting in homes, but plan to have all of our small groups come together for corporate worship services beginning in the Fall. But, we won't stop the bible studies. These are what will build the church. They provide an opportunity for everyone to study and learn together. We meet and fellowship and "edify" and it is the coolest thing ever. Jesus said that the wise man will build upon the rock, but the foolish man will build upon the sand. I have a sad suspicion that churches for a long time have been pretending to build upon the rock, but they're planted firmly upon the sand.
There is are two churches that were really awesome churches. I mean, that had it going on. But, then their pastors left. They went nuts. They had absolutely no leadership. It was like a bunch of Kindergardeners fighting over what color koolaid they wanted to drink. I say this to say, that when we have good, strong leadership, everything goes well. But, when the good, strong leadership is gone, then we find out why Christians are often referred to as sheep. Because, apparently, we're pretty stupid if we don't have strong leadership.
That's what we're trying to fix at Pathway. We want a group of people who, each individually, are planted firmly on the Rock. That way, no matter what happens, the people will stand strong for a specific goal: the glorification of God through the carrying out of the Great Commission. It's simple. If each one is solid, then the whole thing is solid. Then we'll be fine.
If you get a chance, come see us at Pathway. This is new to us, too, so bear with us. But, we are building on the Rock. I guarantee it.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
It's Not Spongy
Ok, so here's the new blog. I'm writing it, but I haven't decided what it's about yet, so bear with me for just a minute. That's a pretty cool phrase, "bear with me". I guess it means to help me carry this thing I'm carrying for a minute. I don't really know how that applies to you waiting on me to figure out what I'm writing about, but I guess idioms don't really have to make sense, do they.
You know what's cool. I don't ever have to accomplish anything, and I'll still be fine. That's my new thing right now. My mantra for the month is "Obedience Equals Success". All I have to do is do what I'm supposed to when and where I'm supposed to do it and then I'm successful. God does the rest. Can I make you do what's right? No, I can't. I can only control myself. So, I do what He tells me to do and the results are up to Him.
I went to an estate auction the other day with my father-in-law and brother-in-law. It was kind of sad. There was all of this junk that this couple had collected over their lives. There were blankets and dolls and tools and candy dishes and the junk that life accumulates. All of these things that were precious to this couple: The blankets they snuggled under, the dishes that they used when company came, the toys that they bought for their children. All of these precious artifcats that were being auctioned to the highest bidder (who didn't bid that high). Their entire life was being dispensed among junk collectors. Everything they were and everything they had acquired was gone. It kind of makes me understand why some Kings buried their servants with them when they died. The people they loved could never be valued by other masters as much as they valued them. Ok, so burying people alive is a bit extreme, but you get my drift.
So what do these have things have to do with each other. Everything that I acheive on Earth will one day be boxed up and auctioned off (if not burned). So, I am trying to do what I'm supposed to do and not worry about everything else. Enjoy your money while you have it, because one day it won't be worth anything. Don't work yourself to death, you're going to die anyway so why do it yourself. Spend time with the ones you love, they may not love you tomorrow. This sounds like a load of trite crap, but I'm serious. You can't even make yourself taller or change the color of your hair, how can you possibly cause the forces of the world to bend to your will. Relax, Obey, and go to Disney World.
You know what's cool. I don't ever have to accomplish anything, and I'll still be fine. That's my new thing right now. My mantra for the month is "Obedience Equals Success". All I have to do is do what I'm supposed to when and where I'm supposed to do it and then I'm successful. God does the rest. Can I make you do what's right? No, I can't. I can only control myself. So, I do what He tells me to do and the results are up to Him.
I went to an estate auction the other day with my father-in-law and brother-in-law. It was kind of sad. There was all of this junk that this couple had collected over their lives. There were blankets and dolls and tools and candy dishes and the junk that life accumulates. All of these things that were precious to this couple: The blankets they snuggled under, the dishes that they used when company came, the toys that they bought for their children. All of these precious artifcats that were being auctioned to the highest bidder (who didn't bid that high). Their entire life was being dispensed among junk collectors. Everything they were and everything they had acquired was gone. It kind of makes me understand why some Kings buried their servants with them when they died. The people they loved could never be valued by other masters as much as they valued them. Ok, so burying people alive is a bit extreme, but you get my drift.
So what do these have things have to do with each other. Everything that I acheive on Earth will one day be boxed up and auctioned off (if not burned). So, I am trying to do what I'm supposed to do and not worry about everything else. Enjoy your money while you have it, because one day it won't be worth anything. Don't work yourself to death, you're going to die anyway so why do it yourself. Spend time with the ones you love, they may not love you tomorrow. This sounds like a load of trite crap, but I'm serious. You can't even make yourself taller or change the color of your hair, how can you possibly cause the forces of the world to bend to your will. Relax, Obey, and go to Disney World.
Monday, March 5, 2007
Say Hello to Baby!
Well, I'm sitting here with many of our neighbors waiting on the imminent arrival of our newest friend Hana Niah Woodring. She decided that she would come tonight and so we packed up all of our stuff and have camped out in the waiting room outside of Labor & Delivery and I just discovered that Baptist Hospital has an internet connection for patients and visitors, so "Thanks, Baptist Hospital! I appreciate it." I told Jonathan that he should blog as Kristine progressed in labor, but he didn't think Kristine would appreciate it, so I'm doing it for him.
At about 5:30 p.m., March, 6th, the doctors decided to break her water at about 8:30. It is now 8:47 and the doctors have yet to come in and break the water. I asked Kristine if it was worth all of the trouble to have a baby, she said she didn't have a baby yet, so she didn't know. I think she was just being polite.
Jonathan is doing amazingly well. I can't believe how composed and relaxed he is (despite the huge amounts of caffine that he has had today). I thought that he would have at least a moment of breakdown, but he has taken it all in stride. He'll do well being a strong Dad for his baby girl.
That's it for now. Hopefully, by the time you've finished reading this, Niah will be here and it will be a whole new place.
At about 5:30 p.m., March, 6th, the doctors decided to break her water at about 8:30. It is now 8:47 and the doctors have yet to come in and break the water. I asked Kristine if it was worth all of the trouble to have a baby, she said she didn't have a baby yet, so she didn't know. I think she was just being polite.
Jonathan is doing amazingly well. I can't believe how composed and relaxed he is (despite the huge amounts of caffine that he has had today). I thought that he would have at least a moment of breakdown, but he has taken it all in stride. He'll do well being a strong Dad for his baby girl.
That's it for now. Hopefully, by the time you've finished reading this, Niah will be here and it will be a whole new place.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Giving and Taking
As a sit here during class, I am reminded of the last four years of Seminary. At first, I was excited and eager to sit through every lecture and soak up every scrap of information. I soon realized that most hour classes could be boiled down to just a few sentences worth of notes. I struggle with the classes where we are required to take so many pages of notes per class to turn in as a notebook at the end of the semester. The teachers talk on and on and on (not all of my classes are this way, some have been very helpful and informative) and on and on and on and I can capture all of the information they go on about for an hour in about 1 page. Either I'm so exceptionally intelligent that I easily comprehend and absorb information that it takes others an hour to understand or I'm so exceptionally unintelligent that it all goes over my head. A couple of days ago in a language class, we spent an hour discussing one verse of the introduction of a book. There is good information there. It's helpful and provides a deeper understanding of the text, but come on an hour on one verse? Surely we can absorb and digest information faster than that. I told the class that, but it didn't go over so well. I guess I get bored quickly or maybe I'm too stupid to understand what it is that it takes them an hour to understand, but I think most people just like to hear themselves talk. Apparently, I'm included in that because I have a blog where I drone on and on and on and on just to hear myself talk. It's kind of frustrating.
Why am I writing about this? I don't really know. It's just that I've spent four years getting ready to go out and work in the world. I'm ready to go and help start a new church. But, as I approach the final year when I'm about to leave, I find myself reluctant to leave. Why, you ask? Well, over the past year, Brittney and I have gotten to be very good friends our neighbors Jonathan and Kristine. Don't get me wrong we have other good friends, but Jonathan and Kristine are our age and in the same place in life that we are. They didn't have any kids (Niah is almost here) and we just kind of fit well together. About nine months ago, they told us that Krisine was pregnant and we've been waiting anxiously for Hana Niah to show up. We're all waiting with our phones close at hand for the time when we'll get the call that it's time to go to the hospital. We're excited about this cool little life that is part Jonathan and part Kristine (and an Arkansas by birth, by the grace of God). The sad part is that we're moving in May. We'll only get to be around Niah, Jonathan, and Kristine for a few more months.
I guess I'm just frustrated. I spent four years getting through school trying to make it go as fast as possible and it went as slowly as possible. Now I want it to slow down and it's the fastest semester yet. The Lord Giveth and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord. He knows better than me, and it's a good thing, too, because if I had always had what I wanted, things would be pretty messed up. So, I'm excited for Jonathan and Kristine and I'm thankful for the teachers that droned on and on and on, because it's all worked out for the best so far, and it will keep on working for the best as long as I'm not in charge.
Why am I writing about this? I don't really know. It's just that I've spent four years getting ready to go out and work in the world. I'm ready to go and help start a new church. But, as I approach the final year when I'm about to leave, I find myself reluctant to leave. Why, you ask? Well, over the past year, Brittney and I have gotten to be very good friends our neighbors Jonathan and Kristine. Don't get me wrong we have other good friends, but Jonathan and Kristine are our age and in the same place in life that we are. They didn't have any kids (Niah is almost here) and we just kind of fit well together. About nine months ago, they told us that Krisine was pregnant and we've been waiting anxiously for Hana Niah to show up. We're all waiting with our phones close at hand for the time when we'll get the call that it's time to go to the hospital. We're excited about this cool little life that is part Jonathan and part Kristine (and an Arkansas by birth, by the grace of God). The sad part is that we're moving in May. We'll only get to be around Niah, Jonathan, and Kristine for a few more months.
I guess I'm just frustrated. I spent four years getting through school trying to make it go as fast as possible and it went as slowly as possible. Now I want it to slow down and it's the fastest semester yet. The Lord Giveth and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord. He knows better than me, and it's a good thing, too, because if I had always had what I wanted, things would be pretty messed up. So, I'm excited for Jonathan and Kristine and I'm thankful for the teachers that droned on and on and on, because it's all worked out for the best so far, and it will keep on working for the best as long as I'm not in charge.
Friday, February 2, 2007
And I Never, Ever, Ever Do a Thing About the Weather, 'Cause the Weather Never, Ever Does a Thing For Me

Firstly, bonus points to those of you (like there are even five people who read this) who laughed and understood the title. Alice In Wonderland, how shall I say, Rocks My Socks! (I think that's what you kids are saying these days.)
It is currently fifteen minutes after midnight on the second day of Febuary and I just came in from walking in the snow. Why was I walking in the snow? Well, as you know, it almost never snows in Arkansas, at least not in the places I've lived in the last 21 years. When you get snow, you enjoy it. And this isn't really Arkansas snow either. Arkansas snow is 1 part snow, 1 part ice, and 1 part freezing rain. You take what you can get, but the snow that's falling tonight is real snow. This is movie snow. This is the snow that makes a story romantic or a graveyard peaceful. This is fluffy white goodness sucked from the sky. This is like a pauper looking in a rich man's window. These are flakes, actual flakes, of snow. They glide down, assaulting the dirty winter landcape in a blanket of uniformity. It's like the calming touch of a woman's presence in the midst of a house full of guys. It blankets everything without discretion in forgiveness for its ugliness and lack of color. It decorates with uniformity, maintaining an outline of its canvas's original self, but giving a touch of itself to the design.
Ok, so I'm waxing into what is dangerously close to bad poetry (like there's any other kind), but the snow really is cool. So, I just wanted to say, "Thanks God. Thanks for the snow. Thanks for this little glimpse of the first class that is Heaven". It makes even this ugly world seem divine.
It is currently fifteen minutes after midnight on the second day of Febuary and I just came in from walking in the snow. Why was I walking in the snow? Well, as you know, it almost never snows in Arkansas, at least not in the places I've lived in the last 21 years. When you get snow, you enjoy it. And this isn't really Arkansas snow either. Arkansas snow is 1 part snow, 1 part ice, and 1 part freezing rain. You take what you can get, but the snow that's falling tonight is real snow. This is movie snow. This is the snow that makes a story romantic or a graveyard peaceful. This is fluffy white goodness sucked from the sky. This is like a pauper looking in a rich man's window. These are flakes, actual flakes, of snow. They glide down, assaulting the dirty winter landcape in a blanket of uniformity. It's like the calming touch of a woman's presence in the midst of a house full of guys. It blankets everything without discretion in forgiveness for its ugliness and lack of color. It decorates with uniformity, maintaining an outline of its canvas's original self, but giving a touch of itself to the design.
Ok, so I'm waxing into what is dangerously close to bad poetry (like there's any other kind), but the snow really is cool. So, I just wanted to say, "Thanks God. Thanks for the snow. Thanks for this little glimpse of the first class that is Heaven". It makes even this ugly world seem divine.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Friends Make You Do Strange Things
Ok, so, I hate sports. Like, I really don't like sports. There's so much running and people act like idiots when they watch sports. Idiots and running: these are not two of my favorite things. Anyway, so, now, apparently, (I love being able to use four commas in a row) I'm a Razorback fan. It really began as just a social thing, but now I'm actually starting to care about them. All I wanted to do was have something to talk about with everybody else in this state, but then, somehow, I ended up learning some of the rules to football and wearing a Razorback shirt on gamedays. Doing all of the things I didn't want to do. All so that I would look like less of an idiot at church.
The next thing I've noticed is that I've started to like Basketball, too. But, only the games where kids I know are playing. Lately, I've really gotten into the Magnet Cove basketball games (most of the kids in my Youth Group go to Magnet Cove). I go, I watch, I yell and at the end I think, who am I? Who have I become? I don't care about this stuff? It's just a dumb game.
This all climaxed tonight. I came home from church, turned on the T.V. and saw that the Colt's were Playing the Patriot's in the game that leads to the Superbowl. (I have no idea what the official name of this game is.) Anyway, the Colts and Patriots are tied 28 to 28 and ther are 11 minutes left in the game. Now, why is it that I care about this game? Well, one of my neighbors (and very good friends) Jonathan is from Indiana and loves the Colts. He talks about Peyton Manning all of the time. So, I sit and watch the rest of the game. I cringe when the Colts fumble the ball, I get excited when they do something good, I act like someone that cares about football. They won, by the way, but it got me thinking about why I do what I do and why I like what I like. I read Terry Pratchett because all of my friends in High School read Terry Pratchett. I eat anything that my wife wants to eat because I love her and she likes a wider variety of food than I do. I like Razorback football because everyone at church obsesses over it. I like Magnet Cove basketball because I want the kids that I love to win. And I wanted the Colts to win because my friend Jonathan loves the Colts. Friends make you do strange things. But, if it wasn't for my friends and the other people I love, I would never have eaten crawdads (they weren't worth the trouble, but it was an interesting experience), never have yelled at a ball game, and I would never have cared more about what makes my friends happy than what I think is stupid. So, thanks. Thanks for showing me and sharing with me that things that make you happy. Thanks.
The next thing I've noticed is that I've started to like Basketball, too. But, only the games where kids I know are playing. Lately, I've really gotten into the Magnet Cove basketball games (most of the kids in my Youth Group go to Magnet Cove). I go, I watch, I yell and at the end I think, who am I? Who have I become? I don't care about this stuff? It's just a dumb game.
This all climaxed tonight. I came home from church, turned on the T.V. and saw that the Colt's were Playing the Patriot's in the game that leads to the Superbowl. (I have no idea what the official name of this game is.) Anyway, the Colts and Patriots are tied 28 to 28 and ther are 11 minutes left in the game. Now, why is it that I care about this game? Well, one of my neighbors (and very good friends) Jonathan is from Indiana and loves the Colts. He talks about Peyton Manning all of the time. So, I sit and watch the rest of the game. I cringe when the Colts fumble the ball, I get excited when they do something good, I act like someone that cares about football. They won, by the way, but it got me thinking about why I do what I do and why I like what I like. I read Terry Pratchett because all of my friends in High School read Terry Pratchett. I eat anything that my wife wants to eat because I love her and she likes a wider variety of food than I do. I like Razorback football because everyone at church obsesses over it. I like Magnet Cove basketball because I want the kids that I love to win. And I wanted the Colts to win because my friend Jonathan loves the Colts. Friends make you do strange things. But, if it wasn't for my friends and the other people I love, I would never have eaten crawdads (they weren't worth the trouble, but it was an interesting experience), never have yelled at a ball game, and I would never have cared more about what makes my friends happy than what I think is stupid. So, thanks. Thanks for showing me and sharing with me that things that make you happy. Thanks.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
The Joy of Saturdays
Saturdays are a recently rediscovered pleasure for me. During my first 16 or 17 years, the really had no value to me. Sure, I didn't have to go to school, but in a land with no cable and no video games, no school meant nothing to do. After the dawning of the age when I could actually do something on those wonderful days away from school, I worked every Saturday. This, frankly, sucked. I remember staring out the windows of that smelly Pizza Hut and watching as my friends "hung out" (hanging out is basically defined in my mind as doing nothing together). I longed for the day when I could leave those low paying wastes of a day behind me and go out in to the world and do nothing with a group of other people who had nothing to do. After years of waiting, I finally have that. This Saturday morning, I woke up, spent time with my beautiful wife, took a liesurely shower, went to the mall (where I discovered that JC Penny will rob you blind if you return an item without a receipt and that the GAP will be happy to accept your returned merchandise and will even refund you $13.99 of the $49.50 that's on the tag by mail, but that's another blog), and am about to spend the afternoon with friends. I write this to say thank you God. Thank you for taking me out of the drudgery of Saturdays at work. I also write this to say "hang in there" to all of you poor people who are still putting in a full Saturday's work: I'll sit a sit down for you, I'll watch T.V. for you, and I'll hang out for you. I dedicate this Saturday to you. Now, hurry up and bring my food.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Blogging; The Recently Discovered Country
Well, this is kind of new for me. Actually, it is very new for me. This is my first blog. I don't know if anyone, with the exception of me, will ever read this, but I've always talked to myself anyway. Hopefully, there will be more to come. Until then, thanks for reading.
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